I struggled with what to use as the small pretzel. Most pretzels readily available are either skinny sticks, or tiny logs. Neither would be a good option. So, I decided to just use the broken bits and pieces of the pretzels I already use. I'd throw these out anyway, so it's kind of like recycling, which is always a good goal to attempt.
Once I have determined the type of pretzel, and experiment with the caramel/chocolate situation, I have to move on to packaging. Do I sell these by the pound? Should I sell 4 to a package? I already offer a few things by the pound, so I decide that these would be cute 4 to a package.
One of my favorite vendors (the one who asked about caramel apples) also wants to sell these in holiday colors. My first experiment with them is for Easter, and I think they turned out quite adorably. They would look great in an Easter basket, or attached to a card.
I can't wait until Christmas to do some red and white striped ones to put into stockings. Oh the ideas...they just keep coming.
And, if you can't tell by the title of this post, these new concoctions will be called "Dippity Do Dahs"
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