Friday, April 4, 2008

Going with the flow

I have a tendency to just go with the flow when it comes to my moods and this business. If I wake up and feel a little gloomy due to the lack of sun, I usually don't seek out any new leads for that day, and more than likely stay in my pajamas until well past noon.

Or maybe I'll wake up in a good mood, but the kids will get me cranky early on, then I'll probably just end up eating chocolate chip cookies and reading lots of random blogs to pass the time. Sometimes I think I like reading about other people's lives more than I like living my own!

But, sometimes I wake up motivated and feeling like nothing can stop me. Those are the days when I even surprise myself what I can accomplish. I knock out a "to do" list like nobody's business.

I've done a lot with DipSticks, considering 90% of it has been single handedly done by me while raising these two kids. I've had wonderful help, and I've had inspiration and motivation come from some crazy places and people, but mostly, it's just me trying to stay afloat.

Going with the flow works temporarily, but somehow I need to get into a different frame of mind. I need to wake up and say to myself "You're in a bad mood? Tough shit. You have a business to grow." But, I haven't quite figured out how to talk to myself like that yet. I can talk to others like that with no problems, but myself? I apparently speak a different language.

I know to grow my business to the size I want, and as quickly as I want, I need to be more aggressive. But how do you call a new business lead and convince them of your product, when all you feel capable of doing is playing mario brothers with your 5 year old?

How do you design a new, more appealing website when your hair looks like Don King's on a bad day? And, how do you prioritize your balance sheet when you have two beautiful faces looking up at you wanting nothing more than to be held?

I can go with the flow for now, I just hope I don't get washed away and lose what little grasp on the business world I already have.

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