Monday, April 28, 2008

Cheaper by the dozen

When I first started DipSticks, I was going to a place called Country Kitchen to buy a good portion of my ingredients. It's a mecca for all things cake and candy related. There is row after row of colored chocolate, colored sprinkles, spatulas, candy boxes...heaven!

Until one day someone asked if I got my items at CK Products, and I said, "Sprechen sie Deutsch?" I had no idea what they were talking about, but after a few probing questions, came to the conclusion that I.must.go.there.

After some simple forms were filled out, I made my first whopping $100 purchase (their minimum) and 48 hours later came home with boxes of miscellaneous awesomeness.

Acting as though it was Christmas morning, I tore into those boxes to unveil what I already knew was in there (because I was, after all, the one who ordered them) like I was getting Christian Louboutins or something. A mad woman.

The most exciting part of opening all the boxes and seeing the things that I had bought before on numerous occasions was the delightful knowing that I got it all for HALF the cost.

As a business owner I can only charge so much on the front end, but I can do lots of things to save on the back end. This was my very first experience at that, and I'll never forget it.

So, if you're a business owner struggling to make a profit, look at your inventory and ask yourself if you have a way to buy in bulk. Most companies have bulk pricing policies, and if they don't, you can always find distributors on the net.

Take my oreos for example. I buy them currently at Walmart but contacted Nabisco to see if I could buy direct. Their minimums were way too high for my measly business, but they lead me to a distributor of theirs who will fit nicely. Even with shipping I will save a bundle.

Don't be afraid to contact the companies directly because most have a customer service department who do that kind of thing regularly.

Anderson pretzels on the other hand....not so much.

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