Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Random ramblings

So, the weeks have been nice lately. I've been busy, but not so busy that I can't enjoy this beautiful weather.

With 5 new clients ready to place an order, I'm sure I will be singing a different tune before long.

We finally decided on a nice display unit for the 4 Espresso Gallery Coffee Shops. It's a black spinning counter display that the pretzels will hang from. I think it will look great in their shops, and really display the pretzels prominently.

One of our best clients just placed an order for 400 pretzels, so we'll be busy in the kitchen next week for that as well. Always nice to be this busy in the summer, even though it does pose some inconveniences with the weather, and humidity.

No free publicity yet with any of the blogs that I've sent to, but we're working to get some new marketing out there in a few months. And, with the United Way charity pretzel, I expect things will start to really pick up in the fall.

Sometimes it's hard to believe the economy is bad, considering all these pretzels I'm selling, but if people are like me, they're are eating chocolate as a small way of fending off the depression that is sure to set in if you think too long about the economic situation. I'm happy to be doing my part to lift morale.

I'm glad I'm not selling lettuce, that's for sure!

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