Friday, February 29, 2008

Re-stocking my organic shelves

It's been a long time since my body has seen a piece of fruit, or a real vegetable. I've been hiding in self doubt and guilt mixed with depression and misery for about four months now, and boxes of processed foods and bags of fast food make the best hiding places.

But no longer! I have made a turn, and have begun my usual, more interesting process of eating whole/natural foods. I love to open my cabinets and refrigerator when I'm eating healthy. I often imagine those tv shows where they "ambush" someone's cabinets and pretty much throw out everything except the bottle of ketchup, all the while making snide remarks to the poor person standing there. Like "This could outlive you, honey! Throw it out!!" Or, "If you can't pronounce the first 10 ingredients, you spell it J-U-N-K."

Then, I wish they'd come here and stand there stunned at how unbelievably healthy I am. How smart I am to buy these all natural, organic products with no pesticides, no artificial sweeteners or colors, no High Fructose Corn Syrup, no hydrogenated oils. Yeah, that's me. I'm smart.

If it were only that simple! I've done this a million times. Out with the junky, in with the healthy.

Now, if I could only find will power in the supplement section at the health food store...

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