Monday, June 16, 2008

How do you "do it?"

Admit it. You were more than just a little afraid to read this, right? Maybe, you thought, I had decided to scrap the toddler and DipStick talk for something a little more X rated?

Well, have no fear, I have not jumped on that wagon. What I'm referring to is probably the most well known company tag line of my time, which is Nike's "Just do it!"

I was on the treadmill, thank you very much, and was kind of laughing at my routine. If I'm on the treadmill at my house, I have to have my iPod on, while watching the TV, while looking out the window. Is that insane or what? I seriously get bored out of my mind if one of those three are missing.

Now, if I'm at the gym, I don't need the window, because I can see all the other gym rats walking around, which is so much more entertaining than trees and birds, let me tell ya. But the TV and iPod are still a part of my routine.

Or, if I walk outside, I don't need the TV, but, obviously there are trees and birds o'plenty. Again, iPod earphones firmly placed in ears. One great thing about outdoor walking is that if I do get bored (sans TV and all) I can't just stop the treadmill and get off. I have to at least walk back home.

So how do you do it? What's your secret to physical activity? Share with us what you do to keep active.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like working out outside these days much more than I ever have. I still love my gym. But now I run TO my gym--just 1.5 miles--then do some weights and a short cardio routine before running home. I HATE running. But running outside, with my iPod and my new running shoes, is not so bad, especially for shortish distances in lovely middle-of-the-day weather. Plus, I have to get home again, so there's that motivation. And it's made running on the treadmill a breeze.

My cardio at the gym requires my iPod and brain candy (People, Star, Us Weekly, Glamour, Allure, Newsweek, Shape, Self, ESPN if everything else is gone). I like to look up every now and then and look at the sweaty hunks crawling all over. (I work out near Wrigley, home of young, sweaty hunks.)

But when I lift, I have to take off my iPod. Maybe it's because the armband interferes with my biceps. Or maybe it's really because I want one of those young, sweaty hunks one day to just please maybe say hi. (No, not you, Mr. Goober Who Stares Too Much--that one over there. No, not that one, he's too young and too hunky. That one. And he should say something nice, more than Wow, I think you're lifting more than me there. Ha ha.)