Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Contemplating Change

A big portion of my thoughts lately have been taken up by my health challenges. These, at first glance, seem to have nothing to do with this blog. However, when I started this blog it was a way to share my day to day struggles and joys of raising two kids while running a growing business.

To be a stay at home mom you need energy and strength. To be a business owner, you need energy and strength. So, you can imagine that as a stay at home mommy business owner, I need twice as much energy and strength. Neither of which is very abundant right now.

So, my urges have been to keep writing about my health and what I'm doing to get it back. But, I do recognize that not all of you come here for that reason. This is why I am considering starting a second blog dedicated solely to my health issues and the battle that I am waging to figure it all out.

On the right hand side of this post I have placed a poll. Please vote in it honestly and let me know if you think I should create a separate blog, or if you like reading about all my struggles and accomplishments...health, kids and all.

These polls are 100% anonymous, and I have no way of knowing who voted or how many times one person voted, so please, don't be shy.

Thanks for all of your support through this, and hopefully soon I'll be back to my old high energy self. But, for now, I am tired and run down, and desperate for cheesecake... :)

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