Monday, May 5, 2008

Type A=Adrenal Fatigue

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I am surprised at how much time and energy it takes to prep a house for sale, in combination with all the other work involved in securing a loan for the next house to buy.

Since I am a type A, I have taken it upon myself to do pretty much everything. I have made a ton of phone calls and gathered documents for the correct people, and then made follow up phone calls.

We have painted and scraped and sanded and dusted and moved furniture and cleaned every surface possible. If selling/buying a house were my only duties, this would be a piece of cake. But, of course I have the two kids to take care of, as well as DipSticks, and the typical daily activities like cleaning, cooking, spending time with the hubby, etc.

On top of this, I have been dealing with the health issues that I have mostly been noting in my Dear Dairy posts. However, a friend going through similar issues made me aware of a condition called Adrenal Fatigue. I've been reading about it this weekend, and it sounds right up my symptom alley. A type A like me, especially one who deals with many stressors in a row, such as deaths, hospital visits, sick children, etc, can practically guarantee getting this condition.

Basically the body acts like it's under attack all the time, stressing out the adrenal glands, and causing your body to sort of break down and react in ways that can be confusing to both patient and doctor.

If you've been struggling with never ending fatigue, cravings for salty or sweet foods, memory issues, difficulty concentrating, difficulty processing daily activities without feeling overwhelmed, overall lack of hope or increased illness and allergies, then you may want to read up on Adrenal Fatigue. The book I'm reading is simply called "Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st century stress syndrome." I also picked up a book called the Autoimmune Epidemic too, because I have Hashimotos thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune disease, and apparently candida, adrenal fatigue, food allergies (dairy/wheat) and thyroid conditions, specifically autoimmune, are all connected.

I am very excited, and anxious to get to the bottom of all of this. If it sounds like I'm falling apart at the super young age of 36, it's because I think I am. But, the good news is, I am pretty sure it can all be fixed with a simple, but freaking painful, diet plan that will exclude pretty much everything I love. But, hey, if it's food or my life, I think that's a no brainer.


Mo said...

Oh, how much your journey sounds like mine in the beginning stages! :) You will find the answer. It's not often I hear of someone searching as hard as you and I in regards to reversing or minimizing Hashimoto's in as natural a way as possible.

You might see yourself a bit in "my story" on my website. I went through every diet imaginable but now I am able to eat almost everything since an allergy elimination technique that was so fast and painless, my head is still spinning from the idea after years of pain and misery following the most restricting diets (gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, preservative/chemical free, etc.), I've tried them all. The gluten free one I did for 6 months. But nothing has been more successful (and painless) than my current treatments through NAET and some emotional techniques through EFT (which you can do in 2 minutes to yourself to eliminate any emotional allergies - yes, I said "emotional"). I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself. You won't regret trying these things. NAET will give you freedom to eat all the foods you current can't and stop the reactions you are having now. I am about a month away from seeing what it did for my Hashimoto's Disease (I was, and all Hashi sufferers are, allergic to my thyroid) and that has been treated by NAET. I can't wait to see how it responded where it counts (in my blood tests).

If you get a chance, read "my story" link on my main website. I stopped documenting my story right before I started all the energy therapies I have mentioned. They have done the most unimaginable changes I could have ever hoped for. I am excited about seeing the rest of the process. If you are interested further, please send me an e-mail and we can "chat". I was allergic to so many things and there are only a few things left to treat.

Take care and keep up the good attitude.


Adrenal Burnout said...

Thank you for listing some of the symptoms associated with adrenal fatigue and its' effects on women. It was helpful reading about how it can negatively impact concentration as well as your weight.