Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I've got gas...

I don't want to get too serious on your A double S's, but what the bejeesus is going on with the gas prices?

I totally understand that perhaps costs are up, and the oil industry is suffering and whatever else they want the media to report, but someone PLEASE tell me why Exxon then reports a $40 Billion profit? That's billion with a B.

I'm pretty sure I didn't report a profit of any kind last year thanks to these gas prices.

As a business owner, I am affected greatly by this increase. My UPS prices go up, the price of all my grocery items, especially anything with sugar (and HELLO! all my stuff has sugar in it) has gone way up.

I don't want to increase my product, so I'm absorbing a lot of this increase. I'm driving less, and not warming my car up as long. But it seems the less we use gas, the higher the prices get.

I just hope I can afford the gas to get me to the polls in November.

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